

A ringing or similar sensation of sound in the ears.

A man holding his ear in pain

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus occurs when a person hears a sound in the head or ears, when there is no external sound source in the environment.

Tinnitus is not a disease itself, but is usually a symptom of another underlying health condition, such as damage to the auditory system or problems with blood flow in the head and neck. Most commonly, tinnitus occurs when someone has hearing loss.

While in some cases tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying medical condition, there is often no cause to be found. Although there is no known cure for tinnitus, there are many tinnitus management strategies and techniques that help many people find relief.

80-85% of people who have tinnitus also have some degree of hearing loss.

What causes tinnitus?

Although the exact mechanisms that cause tinnitus are not yet fully understood, it is believed that in most cases tinnitus is a result of damage to the hearing system.

This type of damage can negatively impact signals from the ear to the brain and results in tinnitus. In fact, 80-85% of people who have tinnitus also have some degree of hearing loss.

Factors that Influence Tinnitus
• Noise Exposure to Loud Sounds
• Hearing Loss
• Aging
• Head & Neck Injuries
• Side Effects of Medication
• Neurological Conditions
• Ear Infections

How you react to the tinnitus sound can determine how it affects your quality of life. The effects of tinnitus can range from daily stress and anxiety, to sleep disruption and concentration loss. Tinnitus can often prevent us from performing at our best.It’s important to remember that however your tinnitus is affecting you, many people find help and relief from their tinnitus.

A woman playing guitar

The effects of tinnitus can range from daily stress and anxiety, to sleep disruption and concentration loss.

A man propping his ear

Signs or Symptoms of Tinnitus

Although the exact mechanisms that cause tinnitus are not yet fully understood, it is believed that in most cases tinnitus is a result of damage to the hearing system.

Tinnitus is most often described as a ringing in the ears, however tinnitus can be experienced in many different ways, including:

• Buzzing
• Roaring
• Clicking
• Hissing
• Humming

Most people who have tinnitus have subjective tinnitus, or tinnitus that only you can hear. The noises of tinnitus may vary in pitch from a low roar to a high squeal, and you may hear it in one or both ears. In some cases, the sound can be so loud it interferes with your ability to concentrate or hear external sound. Tinnitus may be present all the time, or it may come and go.

Testing for Tinnitus

Currently, there is no universally recognized testing for individuals experiencing signs of tinnitus.

The subjective nature of tinnitus and its underlying causes make it a challenging condition to address definitively. Ongoing research is being conducted to better understand the mechanisms involved in tinnitus.

Tinnitus research is where MindEar was founded. While studying the condition, MindEar’s co-owners, Dr. Fabrice Bardy and Dr. Matthieu Recugnat discovered an opportunity to treat tinnitus sufferers through the convenience of your handheld device.

A woman placing headphones on another's woman head
A woman lying down on a couch with headphones

Is there a cure for Tinnitus?

At present, there is no known cure for tinnitus.

Ongoing research is being conducted to better understand the condition. Currently, there are limited treatments available to help manage the symptoms of tinnitus and improve the quality of life.

MindEar is a unique solution that helps you manage your tinnitus with the convenience of your mobile phone. Our app-based platform relieves the effects of tinnitus through a combination of sound therapy and personalized care. Learn more about the MindEar solution.

How are stress and anxiety tied to tinnitus?

The relationship between tinnitus and stress/anxiety is bidirectional, meaning that although tinnitus can affect stress and anxiety, stress and anxiety can also affect tinnitus.

Increased levels of stress and anxiety can amplify the symptoms of tinnitus. Therefore, when managing your tinnitus, it is important to also manage your stress and anxiety.

The unique approach of the MindEar app is dual-focus: treating your tinnitus and stress/anxiety. It’s a holistic approach that uses soundscapes to assist with the tinnitus sound and daily exercises and relaxation techniques for stress/anxiety.

An anxious and stressed woman holding her temples in pain

Stages of Tinnitus

Everyone experiences tinnitus differently. Your journey in finding tinnitus relief will be unique to you. Your relief may progress at a different rate than a friend or colleague.

Traditionally, it’s taken three to six months for someone to start perceiving the benefits of tinnitus management techniques. MindEar introduced an effective solution in just two months.

Take a few moments to identify what stage you are in…
A graph representing how one can habituate to tinnitus over time


We become aware of our tinnitus and may experience it as an annoying or distressing sound.


We begin to accept tinnitus as part of our life. This can be a difficult process, and you may develop feelings of anxiousness about tinnitus as it may affect your daily quality of life.


We begin to adapt to the tinnitus and it becomes less noticeable or bothersome. This may be achieved through various techniques such as sound therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and relaxation exercises.


We will achieve the goal of managing tinnitus, and tinnitus will no longer be a problem. You might still be aware of the sound, but it no longer causes distress or interferes with daily activities.
MindEar was created to help you ‘Achieve’ your tinnitus goals and free your mind of the stress and anxiety that accompany it. We’ll help you better understand your relationship with tinnitus, provide the tools to manage it, and empower you to live your life with long-lasting freedom.
Discover the MindEar App

A Tinnitus Solution That Works

We can tell you how great MindEar is, but our customers make a more compelling case.

I feel empowered

“I never knew that what I was living with for months was Tinnitus. As soon as I began to learn more, the pieces all started to fit. I feel empowered now to manage my Tinnitus and improve my daily living!”

— MindEar App User

Now I am in control again!!

"To find help when very few people can understand how crippling the effects can be. The App worked for me enormously, especially the mindset questions that made me realise where I was stuck in my thought patterns: hence a big part of my recovery. Now I am in control again, rather than it control me!!! A huge thanks to the MindEar team."

— Nicole

Life Changing

“MindEar has given me the ability to cope with tinnitus and enjoy my favourit activities again. Using the app has been life-changing - a real mental health savior. The tools embedded in the app enable me to deal with the daily challenges of tinnitus.”

— Kimberly

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A man listening with his headphones and a smile